Monday, April 28, 2014

In Which I Learn How to Deal with Stress

Dear Family-

I'm sorry I've been such a slacker when it comes to writing letters for the blog! I'm trying to be better, I promise!

We picked up a new investigator this week. Her name is Lori, and she has the cutest most adorablest baby ever! L has gone to church a few times in another ward, and has really liked it. She especially likes the church because of the welfare it offers, but we hope to change that mindset once we start teaching her, which will be this week!

My new companion and I have been working great! The more I get to know her, the more I absolutely love her! I didn't know that my heart was capable of loving so many people so much at the same time, but God provides a way!

Something that I've thought a lot about this week has been the Atonement. We are all told that the Atonement was performed on behalf of our sins and mistakes and sorrows, just like Alma tells us in Alma 7, but it also covers other things. Like annoying situations and the stress you feel in every day life. Things that are out of your control, your feelings of helplessness and uncertainty. The Atonement has also taken care of that. Matthew 11:28-30 tells us to lean on Him. We're told to, so we should take it as tough experiences come!

Have a great week!

Sister Rogerson

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

In Which I Get A New Companion and Miss a Wedding

Hey Family!

Hope you're all recovered from the wedding chaotic-ness! I love the pictures that you sent. You all look very happy, especially Erin.

This week was transfers. I have a new companion, Sister Busenbark. She's from Utah and has been out 13 months. We work really well together. This is going to be a great transfer!

TK, our investigator, came to church on Sunday. We were super happy, because he's been promising us that he would but this is the first time he's actually followed through on that promise. He really enjoyed it, especially sacrament meeting.

I know this gospel is true! There is no way it is not. I know that Christ is risen. He lives and because He lives, we will all live too! What a wonderful piece of knowledge we have.

Have a great week!

Sister Rogerson